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What You Can Expect: At 1-800-LAW-FIRM, you can count on affordable pricing with zero hidden fees and 100% transparency into our legal process. Your experienced legal professional will provide you with an honest evaluation of your issue which will enable you to make educated decisions regarding the options available to you.

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The material on this web site has been prepared by 1-800-LAW-FIRM. The material is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of 1-800-LAW-FIRM or any of its attorneys or clients, and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up to date.

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1-800-LAW-FIRM has attorneys licensed to practice law in 50 states and we affiliate in particular cases with attorneys licensed to practice in almost every state court in the United States, allowing us to handle cases from anywhere in the country. Because of this we have been able to successfully litigate cases all over the country.

We work with attorneys and clients throughout the country, representing plaintiffs and claimants in the following areas: personal injury, products liability, consumer fraud, business litigation, environmental litigation, pharmaceutical litigation, and civil rights.

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1-800-LAW-FIRM does not offer any guarantee of case results. The cases mentioned in this site are illustrative of the enormous array of matter handled by the firm. In many of the verdicts listed, plaintiffs either settled or obtained a modified award. These illustrations, though based upon cases handled by this office, are representative only and should not be viewed as an assurance of a particular result. Each case must stand on its own facts and circumstances.

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Disclaimer: Kresch Legal Services PR, PLLC DBA 1-800-LAW-FIRM is responsible for this website. While the law firm can represent clients in all 50 states with respect to federal law matters, state law matters may require the law firm to engage local counsel licensed to practice in your state. The choice of a lawyer is an important decision and should not be based solely upon advertisements. The information you obtain at this website is not, nor it is intended to be, legal advice. Any result the law firm may have achieved on behalf of clients in other matters does not guarantee or predict future results, you should consult an attorney for advice regarding your specific situation. Your review or use of this information, or contacting us, does not create an attorney-client relationship. Representation is not guaranteed, an attorney-client relationship is established only by an express and written agreement. While there are no upfront fees with our law firm, court costs and case expenses are the responsibility of the client if we win or settle your case. If you communicate through this website or via an e-mail link, remember communications via the internet are not secure and are not confidential. Therefore, for any information you consider confidential, we welcome your call.