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Yearly Archives: 2017

Winter Weather Driving Tips

Dec 22, 2017 - Blog by

According to the Federal Highway Administration, 24% of all weather-related accidents occur on snowy or icy pavement. Out of those crashes, over 1,300 people are killed and more than 116,800 are injured. This doesn’t even include the number of those who are killed or injured during snowfall. With winter weather now affecting many in the U.S., it is extremely important to remember safe driving habits while traveling through snow and ice. Here are our top 10 winter driving tips: Drive slowly. Take your time while driving in snowy/icy weather conditions. Make sure that your windshield wiper fluid is filled completely and keep an extra gallon in your car. You can go through a lot of fluid during a snowy commute. Keep moving while going up […]

Man wrongly imprisoned for 28 years for molestation sues city of Detroit

Dec 14, 2017 - Newsroom by

After doing nearly 28 years for a crime he didn’t commit, Bernard Young says he’s not angry or bitter – though he’s still got a score to settle with the City of Detroit and the police officer he claims wronged him. On Wednesday,  the 59-year-old man whose hair turned gray in the prison system sued the City of Detroit and Sgt. Shelley Foy, claiming they are both responsible for letting him serve 27 years and 179 days in prison for molestation when they knew another man had committed the crime. Young’s lawsuit alleges that Foy knew early on that Young’s two young accusers had recanted their story and outed their real abuser — their mother’s boyfriend — but she withheld this information from Young and his lawyers and cost him decades of […]

After 28 years wrongly imprisoned for child molestation, man’s case dismissed

Dec 14, 2017 - Newsroom by

After serving 28 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit, Bernard Young sat in a courtroom Wednesday wearing a silver cross as a symbol of his faith, beaming as he heard the words he has long waited to hear: Your case is dismissed. And he wasn’t bitter, or angry. Rather, the mild-mannered man who was wrongfully convicted of child molestation smiled, hugged his lawyer, then  walked over to his sister —  the driving force behind his years-long fight for justice who brought him to this day.  “It’s all over. It’s all over. Thank you my angel. God is with us,” Young said to his crying sister as the two embraced in the courtroom.  Before the hearing, the mostly gray-haired Young stressed that he harbors no ill will […]

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