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Yearly Archives: 2018

Essure: The harmful device that the FDA refuses to remove from the market

May 14, 2018 - Blog by

National Women’s Health Week falls on the week of Mother’s Day every year. It was created to remind women of the importance of their health and how to make healthy life choices. During this week, we want to warn women of one specific medical device that has negatively affected the health of thousands of women. Female contraceptive options regularly come under attack for their array of side-effects that are less than desirable. Most complications suffered don’t result in life-changing altercations, but not all. Essure is one of the few contraceptive options to come under attack in recent years because of its severe and sometimes permanent side-effects. What is Essure? Essure consists of two nickel-titanium based alloy coils that are embedded in the fallopian tubes to permanently prevent […]


May 8, 2018 - Press Releases by

MELBOURNE, FL – May 8, 2018 – On December 1, 2016, Alexzander Houston, at the time a minor, had surrendered to the police after being the passenger in a vehicle driven by someone who foolishly evaded the police. Demonstrating the absolute lack of any sort of moral compass or even a basic sense of decency, Rockledge Police Officer Nicholas Galluzzi decided to shoot Mr. Houston while Mr. Houston was lying facedown in the dirt frozen in fear having surrendered to the police. The bullet entered his shoulder and lodged in his chest. Officer Galluzzi and the other officers on scene then let him suffer without providing aid for an extended period of time. Eventually, Mr. Houston was taken to a hospital and required extensive surgery. […]

Guest Blog: MTMP Recap from Thomas Neptune, VP of Strategic Partnerships

Apr 20, 2018 - Blog by

What a difference a week makes in mass torts! As many of you know, over 800 attorneys and legal professionals attended the Mass Torts Made Perfect Spring Conference held at The Wynn in Las Vegas last week. The three-day seminar outlined important litigation updates, marketing trends, legal financing, and administrative services like medical record retrieval and case management software. Heading into the conference several torts made headlines with verdicts in favor of the plaintiff, which made this Spring’s conference even more exciting! C.R. Bard IVC filter, J&J talcum powder, hernia mesh, and Invokana breakout sessions provided highly informative material, which will ultimately help those in attendance file and litigate their cases more effectively and efficiently in state courts and federal MDLs. C.R. Bard’s defense team […]

Asbestos: The Scary Truth

Mar 29, 2018 - Blog by

You most likely have heard of asbestos and how it causes terrible diseases like mesothelioma, but what is it and why is it so dangerous? During Asbestos Awareness Week 2018, it is important to acknowledge the seriousness of this substance and how you may be at risk. Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral made up of long crystal fibers. These fibers are malleable, extremely strong, and are resistant to heat and electricity. These tenacious properties became widely known and spurred the mineral to be greatly used throughout the world for a majority of the 1900s. It was used mainly for insulation purposes and could be found in numerous households and businesses from floor tiles, roofing shingles, and even in clothing. Veterans were most exposed to asbestos […]

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