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Yearly Archives: 2018

Detroit Police Officers Sued for High Speed Chase that Killed Two Children and Injured Three Others

Feb 2, 2018 - Press Releases by

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SOUTHFIELD, MI—The Detroit police department and the City are being sued for a high-speed car chase that allegedly resulted in the serious injuries of three children and the deaths of a brother and sister. The plaintiffs include representatives of the wounded and Alisha Jackson, the mother of the deceased children, Michaelangelo Jackson, six, and Makiah Jackson, three.   Two lawsuits were filed—one in Wayne County Circuit Court and the second in Federal court on Friday, February 2, 2018. Representing the plaintiffs is Solomon Radner of 1-800-LAW-FIRM. The lawsuit asserts that Detroit police officers Richard Billingslea, Steven Fultz and Hakeem Patterson pursued the driver of a red Camaro at a high rate of speed through a densely populated residential neighborhood.  Officer Fultz claimed […]

A New Year Can Bring a Healthier and Wiser You

Jan 19, 2018 - Blog by

A new year always brings new resolutions—most of which revolve around health. You may want to lose a few pounds, eat better and head to the gym more often. These resolutions can help you improve your health, but have you ever thought about checking out your medicine cabinet? Some common prescriptions and over the counter drugs can have an adverse effect on your health and that of your family’s. Let’s make 2018 a time to review what you currently have in your medicine cabinet and see if any of the below listed drugs have a home there. It may be time to talk with your doctor about alternative medications. Invokana Canagliflozin is the active ingredient in Invokana and is commonly prescribed to treat type 2 […]

Eastmead no longer employed by Coldwater Police

Jan 15, 2018 - Newsroom by

COLDWATER, MI (WTVB) – The police officer at the center of a controversial video that went viral last month and caused a public relations nightmare for the City of Coldwater is no longer with the Coldwater Police Department. Coldwater City Manager Keith Baker said in a two sentence statement on Friday night that Lewis Eastmead was no longer employed by the City of Coldwater. He did not say if Eastmead was terminated or if he resigned. All Baker said was that Eastmead was no longer employed by the city as of January 12th, 2018 and that as a result of ongoing litigation, no further comment will be made at this time. Former Coldwater resident Tiffany McNeil filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the city […]

Questions raised in Eastmead case

Jan 15, 2018 - Newsroom by

COLDWATER — In a terse announcement issued at 5:59 p.m. Friday, Coldwater City Manager Keith Baker said, “Officer Lewis Eastmead is no longer employed with the city of Coldwater effective Jan. 12, 2018. As a result of ongoing litigation, no further comment will be made at this time.” The announcement came less than a week after concerns from the public were brought to the council at a recent meeting. Two unsuccessful candidates who ran for seats on the city councill in November, Dan Corwin and Alexia Rish, stood up to question council members last Monday on the civil rights lawsuit by Tiffany McNeil against the city of Coldwater, the Coldwater Police Department and CPD Officer Lewis Eastmead that stemmed from a July 24, 2017, arrest. […]

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