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Author: 1-800-LAW-FIRM

Superior Court Rules that Insurance Company Must Justify Legality of Depreciation Discount

May 16, 2024 - Blog by

In a recent decision, San Juan Superior Court Judge, Iris L. Cancio Gonzalez, of the Puerto Rico Superior Court, ruled that the insurance provider Cooperativa de Seguros Múltiples (CSM) has the burden of establishing the legality of  any depreciation discount that it applies to claims for partial loss, the reasonableness of the method it used to calculate the depreciation, and the factual basis for applying the discount. This is a very significant ruling, because it enables the lawsuit to proceed to the question of whether it can be expanded into a class action lawsuit, under Rule of Civil Procedure 20.1. Judge Cancio Gonzalez issued her ruling following plaintiff’s filing of a lawsuit against CSM, Lynette Rodríguez Flores v. Cooperativa de Seguros Múltiples.  The plaintiff’s vehicle […]

Union Pacific Railroad’s “Business as Usual” Includes Contaminating Groundwater with Toxic Chemicals and Keeping it Concealed

Feb 27, 2023 - Blog by

Imagine a scene with rail cars lined up at one of Union Pacific’s railyards in Kansas. This railyard happens to be in northeast Wichita, just north of a park where children play and drink well water from a fountain. Next, picture railroad workers back in the 1970s or 80s pouring or spraying a highly toxic chemical on the gears and wheels of the cars to clean the oil and grease buildup. Envision this liquid spilling onto the ground and soaking into the soil, eventually reaching the aquifer approximately 15 feet below the surface. Imagine that degreasing scenario repeatedly happening over the years as hundreds, perhaps thousands of gallons of the cancer-causing liquid, trichloroethylene (TCE), seep into the aquifer, eventually traveling south and impacting Wichita neighborhoods. […]

$600M Settlement reached in Flint water crisis litigation

Aug 24, 2020 - Newsroom by

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and Attorney General Dana Nessel announced some details of the settlement Thursday, Aug. 20, and asked residents for patience as the deal works its way through the legal system. “Several things need to happen before this agreement can be finalized and because of those steps, many of the details must remain confidential for the time being,” Nessel said in a video statement released by her office Thursday morning. A summary of the settlement agreement released by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s office says the state will pay $600 million into a qualified settlement fund for the benefit of those individuals, property owners, and businesses who claimed they were injured by the water distributed by the City of Flint while the city used the Flint […]

Chuck Norris Ѕues Оver MRI Chemical He Claims Poisoned Wife

Sep 14, 2018 - Blog by

Mаrtiаl аrtiѕt Chuсk Nоrriѕ аnd hiѕ wifе hаvе rесеntlу filеd a lawsuit аgаinѕt mеdiсаl dеviсе mаnufасturеrѕ аllеging thаt a chemical uѕеd in MRI imаging ѕсаnѕ lеft her роiѕоnеd аnd wеаk. Aссоrding tо thе 77-уеаr-оld star, hе hаѕ givеn uр hiѕ film career tо tаkе саrе оf hiѕ аiling wifе, Gеnа. Thеу сlаimеd thаt in 2013 a сhеmiсаl, Gаdоlinium that was uѕеd in MRI imаging scans, lеft Gеnа wеаk, tirеd аnd with dеbilitаting amounts оf раin аnd burning ѕеnѕаtiоns linked to ‘gаdоlinium dероѕitiоn diѕеаѕе’. In 2013, Gеnа undеrwеnt ѕеvеrаl mаgnеtiс rеѕоnаnсе imаging (MRI) ѕсаnѕ tо mоnitоr hеr rhеumаtоid аrthritiѕ, rесеiving аn injесtiоn оf dуе knоwn аѕ a “contrast аgеnt” thаt highlightѕ ѕресifiс оrgаnѕ, blооd vеѕѕеlѕ, оr tiѕѕuеѕ tо mаkе thеm еаѕiеr fоr thе radiologist tо dеtеrminе the […]

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