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Author: 1-800-LAW-FIRM

Lawsuit: Flint water crisis hit jail inmates especially hard

Jun 27, 2018 - Newsroom by

The poisoning of Flint’s drinking water supply was especially harmful for inmates housed there in the county jail, a new lawsuit alleges. The federal suit, filed Monday on behalf of more than 90 former prisoners in the Genesee County Jail in Flint, alleges prisoners were forced to continue drinking tap water even after officials knew about the lead contamination. The suit also alleges bottled water was withheld from inmates even when brought to the jail by concerned family members and other donors, that when bottled water was made available it was rationed in insufficient quantities, and that the jail instead charged prisoners a premium to buy bottled water from the commissary. Because they were jailed, “plaintiffs could not travel to an area and/or municipality which had uncontaminated water,” […]

Diabetic patients left worried and angry over severe Invokana Complications

Jun 13, 2018 - Blog by

Type 2 diabetes is a condition that results in high blood glucose levels being present in the body. It is characterized by the body’s inability to use or produce enough insulin. Diabetes can be carefully managed in many cases with a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. One medication which claims to be beneficial to those living with type 2 diabetes is Invokana.   Invokana (Canagliflozin) is an oral medication that lowers blood glucose levels in the body by filtering it out through urine. The drug was first approved in the U.S. in 2013. While it was once marketed as an innovative treatment option, it is now clear that Invokana is not quite as positively ground-breaking as it first appeared. In May 2015, the U.S. […]

31 Orlando police officers sued over their response to Pulse nightclub massacre that left 49 dead

Jun 8, 2018 - Newsroom by

A city police officer acting as a security guard didn’t do his job and more than two dozen of his colleagues failed in their duties or violated the civil rights of surviving victims after the 2016 Orlando, Florida, nightclub massacre, according to a new federal lawsuit. The gunman, Omar Mateen, was shot dead by police after killing 49 people and wounding 58 at Pulse nightclub in what was then the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Orlando police officer Adam Gruler, according to court papers filed Thursday in U.S. District Court, “was at Pulse at all pertinent times and was charged with providing security to Pulse. Instead, he abandoned his post, thereby allowing [the] shooter to not only enter the club once to scout […]

Essure: The harmful device that the FDA refuses to remove from the market

May 14, 2018 - Blog by

National Women’s Health Week falls on the week of Mother’s Day every year. It was created to remind women of the importance of their health and how to make healthy life choices. During this week, we want to warn women of one specific medical device that has negatively affected the health of thousands of women. Female contraceptive options regularly come under attack for their array of side-effects that are less than desirable. Most complications suffered don’t result in life-changing altercations, but not all. Essure is one of the few contraceptive options to come under attack in recent years because of its severe and sometimes permanent side-effects. What is Essure? Essure consists of two nickel-titanium based alloy coils that are embedded in the fallopian tubes to permanently prevent […]

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