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Category: Blog

Healthcare Decisions Week Sparks Advance Care Planning

Apr 20, 2017 - Blog by

We all know that some conversations are more difficult than others. Ask anyone who has an aging parent or a sick loved one and most would say that end-of-life discussions are the ones they dread most. This is often a subject that is delayed for as long as possible or, in some situations, neglected altogether. It is one of the most critical conversations, if not THE most critical, that we will all someday face. It’s never too early to start planning for our own journey’s end, but National Healthcare Decisions Week (April 16-22) is an especially opportune time. This week, we are reminded to evaluate what is important and talk about our end-of-life wishes with loved ones while we still can. 1-800-LAW-FIRM is proudly offering a […]

Our New Look Proves We’re More Than Just a Number

Apr 14, 2017 - Blog by

Like many others, the story of our company started with humble beginnings. What originated as a single phone line in a small home-office in the 1990s has grown into something much more than just a phone number. Today, 1-800-LAW-FIRM is a national network of bar-certified attorneys with state-of-the-art headquarters in Metro Detroit, Michigan. Throughout the years, not only has our portfolio of legal successes flourished, our team and legal services have been reinforced by years of experience, hard work, and dedication. Although 1-800-LAW-FIRM has taken on many transformations since its earliest days, its intent has remained unwavering: to provide easy access to legal solutions. To maintain this commitment, 1-800-LAW-FIRM has stayed vigilant on keeping up with the latest technological advances and the ever-changing needs of […]

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