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Category: Blog

Plastic Sand? A reflection on our imposed plastic culture

Jun 24, 2024 - Blog by

The Desensitization of Plastic How have we allowed ourselves to become so dependent on a material that would outlast us by centuries? Plastic now feels as common as sand, with micro and nano-plastics crossing all human barriers and reaching even the most remote areas of the world.   Plastic has become an inescapable commodity. Plastic is everywhere, if one were to look around a room, we would most likely count more plastic items than fingers in our hands. The overwhelming presence of plastic in our world is no coincidence.     In 1948, DuPont sponsored full-color ads for products made from plastic, creating a new consumer craze in America. DuPont’s slogan was “Better Things for Better Living… through Chemistry.”  In less than 50 years from the first developed […]

Hidden Dangers: The Truth About Toxic Baby Food, Bottles, and Nipples

Jun 18, 2024 - Blog by

As an environmental attorney I am inspired to represent and elevate the voices of those who are not heard. As a mother and retired elementary educator, I hold a special place in my heart for children. That is why I was deeply concerned when I learned the truth about toxic baby food, bottles, and nipples — products that parents and caregivers trustingly use to nourish their babies — are exposing them to contaminants.More than concerned…I was outraged. Corporations sell and promote these baby products that are exposing children to billions of microplastics. Microplastics, and even tinier nanoplastics, are plastic particles, often microscopic, that often come from the degradation of plastic items. How is it that the very companies that are supposed to be providing safe […]

Exploring Hawaii’s Plastic Crisis: A Three-Day, Three-Island, Three-Beach Journey

Jun 11, 2024 - Blog by

Aloha! Last month, I set off on an unforgettable journey across three stunning Hawai’ian Islands to see firsthand how plastic trash is wreaking havoc on Hawaii, the tropical paradise. My mission—team up with nonprofit groups dedicated to protecting the islands’ precious coastlines. Why Hawai’i? This beautiful island state sits in the heart of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, where ocean currents relentlessly deposit tons of trash on the beaches, most of it plastic, including billions of microplastics. Shockingly, the United States produces the most plastic waste worldwide. Driven by a desire to make a real difference and get involved, boots (actually flip flops) on-the-ground style, I headed to Hawai’i. Over three days, I joined forces with passionate nonprofits and volunteers, working tirelessly to clean beaches, […]

Superior Court Rules that Insurance Company Must Justify Legality of Depreciation Discount

May 16, 2024 - Blog by

In a recent decision, San Juan Superior Court Judge, Iris L. Cancio Gonzalez, of the Puerto Rico Superior Court, ruled that the insurance provider Cooperativa de Seguros Múltiples (CSM) has the burden of establishing the legality of  any depreciation discount that it applies to claims for partial loss, the reasonableness of the method it used to calculate the depreciation, and the factual basis for applying the discount. This is a very significant ruling, because it enables the lawsuit to proceed to the question of whether it can be expanded into a class action lawsuit, under Rule of Civil Procedure 20.1. Judge Cancio Gonzalez issued her ruling following plaintiff’s filing of a lawsuit against CSM, Lynette Rodríguez Flores v. Cooperativa de Seguros Múltiples.  The plaintiff’s vehicle […]

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