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Category: Blog

Plastic Apocalypse

Mar 7, 2024 - Blog by

5 Shocking Facts the Plastic Industry Wants to Keep Secret: In the world of plastics, business as usual is failing us. Plastic trash is choking our waterways,  , and infiltrating human organs. It is time to shift the status quo. Petrochemical and plastic manufacturing companies must halt the massive production of plastic that is suffocating our planet. It’s time to make the plastic industry responsible for the impact it is having on the environment and society. Let’s explore five impacts of the Plastic Apocalypse: Suffering in Silence: Plastic pollution has been found in the farthest reaches of the planet including the Amazon rain forest, arctic snow, Mount Everest and the darkest depths of the oceans. Tellingly, plastic trash is overwhelming our oceans to the extent […]

Exposing Neonicotinoids

Dec 14, 2023 - Blog by

Empowering Farmers in the Face of Deceptive Practices Introduction: Hardworking American farmers are dedicated to providing essential crops nationwide and globally. Therefore, recent revelations about commonly used neonicotinoid (neonic) seed treatments—particularly for corn and soybean—have cast shadows of concern. For decades, pesticide companies have been charging farmers a premium price for these seed treatments while misleading farmers about the benefits of these neonic coated seeds. It’s time to question why pesticide corporations push neonic seed treatments that don’t deliver and to understand the far-reaching consequences of this costly deception. The Profit Motive: Caught in the crossfire of a multi-billion dollar industry, farmers’ hard-earned money has unwittingly contributed to the success of neonicotinoids. Corporations that massively profit off of America’s farmers include Bayer, Syngenta, Corteva, and […]

Unveiling Environmental Challenges: EtO’s Impact on Puerto Rico

Sep 19, 2023 - Blog by

Introduction: Startling revelations by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have illuminated a concerning environmental issue in Puerto Rico. For decades, communities near four commercial sterilization facilities have been exposed to ethylene oxide (EtO), a cancer-causing gas. This chemical, used for medical equipment sterilization and the production of other chemicals, has prompted health concerns among local residents. Understanding EtO: EtO is a chemical compound with both industrial and medical applications. It’s widely utilized in sterilizing medical equipment and producing products such as plastics, antifreeze, and adhesives. However, the adverse health effects it poses are a cause for concern. Notably, EtO exposure has been linked to cancer, including breast cancer, blood cancer, stomach cancer, leukemia, lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, and brain cancer. EtO is also related to reproductive […]

Union Pacific Railroad’s “Business as Usual” Includes Contaminating Groundwater with Toxic Chemicals and Keeping it Concealed

Feb 27, 2023 - Blog by

Imagine a scene with rail cars lined up at one of Union Pacific’s railyards in Kansas. This railyard happens to be in northeast Wichita, just north of a park where children play and drink well water from a fountain. Next, picture railroad workers back in the 1970s or 80s pouring or spraying a highly toxic chemical on the gears and wheels of the cars to clean the oil and grease buildup. Envision this liquid spilling onto the ground and soaking into the soil, eventually reaching the aquifer approximately 15 feet below the surface. Imagine that degreasing scenario repeatedly happening over the years as hundreds, perhaps thousands of gallons of the cancer-causing liquid, trichloroethylene (TCE), seep into the aquifer, eventually traveling south and impacting Wichita neighborhoods. […]

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