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Category: Press Releases

Sterilization Facilities Sued Over Puerto Rico Ethylene Oxide Emissions

Mar 8, 2024 - Press Releases by

(SAN JUAN, PR, Feb. 12, 2024) Attorneys for Milberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman, PLLC (“Milberg”), Napoli Shkolnik, and Kresch Legal Services PR, PLLC have filed an amended proposed class action complaint on behalf of Puerto Rico residents who claim they were injured by ethylene oxide (EtO) emissions from sterilization facilities located in the Commonwealth. Ethylene oxide is a colorless gas emitted by plants that use it to sterilize medical equipment and produce chemicals. Known to cause cancer, EtO is one of the most toxic air pollutants regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). More than 14 million people in the U.S.—most of them residents of low-income, non-English speaking communities of color—live within five miles of a facility that emits ethylene oxide. Emissions are alarmingly prevalent […]


May 8, 2018 - Press Releases by

MELBOURNE, FL – May 8, 2018 – On December 1, 2016, Alexzander Houston, at the time a minor, had surrendered to the police after being the passenger in a vehicle driven by someone who foolishly evaded the police. Demonstrating the absolute lack of any sort of moral compass or even a basic sense of decency, Rockledge Police Officer Nicholas Galluzzi decided to shoot Mr. Houston while Mr. Houston was lying facedown in the dirt frozen in fear having surrendered to the police. The bullet entered his shoulder and lodged in his chest. Officer Galluzzi and the other officers on scene then let him suffer without providing aid for an extended period of time. Eventually, Mr. Houston was taken to a hospital and required extensive surgery. […]

Detroit Police Officers Sued for High Speed Chase that Killed Two Children and Injured Three Others

Feb 2, 2018 - Press Releases by

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SOUTHFIELD, MI—The Detroit police department and the City are being sued for a high-speed car chase that allegedly resulted in the serious injuries of three children and the deaths of a brother and sister. The plaintiffs include representatives of the wounded and Alisha Jackson, the mother of the deceased children, Michaelangelo Jackson, six, and Makiah Jackson, three.   Two lawsuits were filed—one in Wayne County Circuit Court and the second in Federal court on Friday, February 2, 2018. Representing the plaintiffs is Solomon Radner of 1-800-LAW-FIRM. The lawsuit asserts that Detroit police officers Richard Billingslea, Steven Fultz and Hakeem Patterson pursued the driver of a red Camaro at a high rate of speed through a densely populated residential neighborhood.  Officer Fultz claimed […]

The City of Coldwater and its Police Dept. Sued for Treatment of Mother that Resulted in Hospitalization

Dec 12, 2017 - Press Releases by

SOUTHFIELD, MI—The Coldwater, Michigan police department and the City are being sued for the alleged physical attack of a local mother of three. The plaintiff Tiffany McNeil, a resident of Coldwater, was hospitalized for a head injury and twenty stitches to her face.  The lawsuit, case number 1:17-CV-01085, was filed in the U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Michigan on Monday, December 11, 2017. Representing the plaintiff is Solomon Radner of 1-800-LAW-FIRM. The lawsuit asserts that the City of Coldwater and the police department allegedly failed to properly train and supervise their officers to discourage the use of undue and extreme force and prevent other violations to the rights of Coldwater residents. According to the complaint, the alleged actions of defendant, Officer Lewis […]

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