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Category: Press Releases

Detroit Police Officers Caught on Camera Assaulting and Unlawfully Arresting Citizens

Aug 25, 2017 - Press Releases by

Victim filmed disturbing incident on cell phone Southfield, MI – Detroit residents, D’Marco Craft and Michaele Jackson are suing the city of Detroit and Special Operations officers Richard Billingslea and Hakeem Patterson of the Detroit Police 5th precinct for being beat-up and maced for no justifiable reason. The suit was filed in Federal Court in Detroit, Michigan on Tuesday, August 22, 2017. Representing Mr. Craft and Mr. Jackson is Solomon Radner and Ari Kresch of 1-800-LAW-FIRM. On the morning of May 31, Craft and Jackson went to a gas station on Harper in Detroit, Michigan to purchase cigarettes. Officers Billingslea and Patterson were on site when the plaintiffs arrived. When Craft walked into the store he saw the officers. Craft left the store because he […]

1-800-LAW-FIRM Teams Up with Tuesday’s Children to Support Project COMMON BOND

Jul 25, 2017 - Press Releases by

1-800-LAW-FIRM, an organization located in Southfield, Michigan that represents many victims affected by acts of terrorism, announced today its support of Tuesday’s Children’s Project COMMON BOND initiative. Tuesday’s Children is a non-profit organization that was developed in the wake of the September 11, 2001 attacks and continues to help the families and first responders impacted by these events as well as others around the world effected by terrorism and traumatic loss. Project COMMON BOND is a week-long peacebuilding program for young adults around the world who have lost a family member due to terrorism or global conflict.    “We are very proud to support Tuesday’s Children who shares our commitment to help those who have been affected by tragic and needless acts of terrorism and […]

Family of Istanbul Nightclub Shooting Victim Sues Google, Facebook and Twitter

Jul 21, 2017 - Press Releases by

Defendants Enable ISIS to Recruit Members, Plan and Execute Attacks  SOUTHFIELD, MI- Family members of Nawras Alassaf, who was killed in the ISIS attack at Reina Nightclub in Istanbul, Turkey on January 1, 2017, filed a lawsuit naming Google, Facebook, and Twitter as defendants for providing material support to the terrorist group ISIS. The victim’s brother Mehier Taamneh and nieces Dimana Taamneh, Sara Tammneh and nephew Lawrence Taamneh, filed the lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California on July 20, 2017. Representing the Taamneh family is Keith Altman and Ari Kresch of 1-800-LAW-FIRM of Southfield, Michigan. The lawsuit asserts that the defendants knowingly permitted ISIS to use their platforms for recruiting purposes, spreading propaganda and raising funds to carry-out terror […]

Attorneys at the Forefront of Anti-Terrorism Litigation Reflect on the ISIS-Inspired Pulse Nightclub Attack

Jun 12, 2017 - Press Releases by

SOUTHFIELD, MI- “June 12, 2016 is a day that never leaves us. It fuels us to continue our fight against Twitter, Google and Facebook who continue to empower ISIS to utilize their platforms to recruit, plan and execute these heinous attacks. Today is a day that we want to remind the social media giants that we’re still here and we’re not going away until drastic and imperative changes are made to the way they do business,” said Keith Altman, one of the attorneys with 1-800-LAW-FIRM representing many of the survivors and families of those lost that day. In remembrance of those who died and in honor of those healing from this horrific event, Christopher Littlestar and Nicholas Perez, survivors of the Pulse attack, recount their […]

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