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Exposing Neonicotinoids

Dec 14, 2023 - Blog by

Empowering Farmers in the Face of Deceptive Practices


Hardworking American farmers are dedicated to providing essential crops nationwide and globally. Therefore, recent revelations about commonly used neonicotinoid (neonic) seed treatments—particularly for corn and soybean—have cast shadows of concern. For decades, pesticide companies have been charging farmers a premium price for these seed treatments while misleading farmers about the benefits of these neonic coated seeds. It’s time to question why pesticide corporations push neonic seed treatments that don’t deliver and to understand the far-reaching consequences of this costly deception.

The Profit Motive:

Caught in the crossfire of a multi-billion dollar industry, farmers’ hard-earned money has unwittingly contributed to the success of neonicotinoids. Corporations that massively profit off of America’s farmers include Bayer, Syngenta, Corteva, and BASF. Unfortunately, these corporations have accumulated a significant amount of these profits unethically. These pesticide companies promise a boost in yield and a return on investment that has turned out to be nothing more than a clever marketing ploy. All the while, farmers have paid a premium for a product that falls short, which has impacted them financially.

The Economic Impact:

Higher upfront costs for neonic seed treatments don’t translate into increased profits for these farmers. In fact, the disappointing reality is that neonics fail to deliver the claimed benefits, taking a toll on farmers already stretched financial resources. Many farmers are now reevaluating the true cost-effectiveness of these treatments for the sake of their financial health.

Misleading Information:

For too long, companies like Bayer, Syngenta, Corteva, and BASF have deceived farmers, convincing them that neonic-treated seeds are the key to thriving crops. The truth is…these hardworking individuals have been victims of deceptive marketing tactics. It’s time for farmers to join the ranks of those who are breaking free from these misleading narratives and make informed choices based on real, tangible benefits.

Environmental and Health Concerns:

The risks of neonicotinoids extend beyond the fields causing collateral damage that impacts farmers, communities, and the environment. Neonics have become pervasive, posing threats to soil, water, and beneficial insects and jeopardizing the balance of farmland ecosystems. Moreover, health impacts, especially to children, add an additional layer of concern for these farmers who are left to grapple with the consequences of decisions made in the name of supposedly higher yields.

Legal Rights:

As victims of deceptive practices, farmers have the right to protect their farm, their wallet, and the environment from the adverse effects of neonicotinoids. For farmers misled by these pesticide companies, seeking compensation is not just an option; it’s their right. Therefore, farmers have taken the opportunity to hold these corporations accountable for their deceptive practices and ensure that justice prevails.

Farmers Join the Movement:

More and more farmers are standing strong and making informed choices that champion responsible farming practices. Instead of being victims of neonicotinoid deception, farmers are holding the pesticide corporations accountable while contributing to a sustainable and prosperous future for agriculture. Despite being misled, farmers are choosing to prioritize the health of their crops, their families, their communities, and the environment. Together, they will forge a path toward a brighter and more sustainable future—one that benefits everyone.

Contact Wendy Kerner at, to pursue justice and ensure these corporations are held accountable.

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