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Hidden Dangers: The Truth About Toxic Baby Food, Bottles, and Nipples

Jun 18, 2024 - Blog by

As an environmental attorney I am inspired to represent and elevate the voices of those who are not heard. As a mother and retired elementary educator, I hold a special place in my heart for children. That is why I was deeply concerned when I learned the truth about toxic baby food, bottles, and nipples — products that parents and caregivers trustingly use to nourish their babies — are exposing them to contaminants.Toxic Baby Food, Baby Bottles, and NipplesMore than concerned…I was outraged. Corporations sell and promote these baby products that are exposing children to billions of microplastics. Microplastics, and even tinier nanoplastics, are plastic particles, often microscopic, that often come from the degradation of plastic items. How is it that the very companies that are supposed to be providing safe products for families to feed their infants, are promoting and selling products that fill their tiny, sensitive bodies with microplastics? The answer is profit!

What Did The Research Reveal

Shockingly, research has revealed that up to billions of nano- and microplastics are released when plastic baby food containers, baby bottles, and baby bottle nipples are microwaved, sterilized, or otherwise exposed to hot water. By one year old, a baby will have likely ingested millions of these tiny particles.

Toxic Baby Food, Baby Bottles, and Nipples

This is alarming news. Babies are the most vulnerable humans. Yet,  are marketing these items and hiding the truth about toxic baby food, bottles, and nipples.  Corporations should know that they placing infants at a high risk of exposure to these contaminants. Why would they expose our children to these contaminants? Profit!

The health effects of microplastics on developing infants, are not yet fully understood. However, the impacts cannot possibly be good. Microplastics shards are being found in arteries, gastrointestinal (GI) tracts, placentas, and testicles and very likely linked to numerous illnesses, including heart disease and inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS).

Transparency Is Needed

It is high time for these corporations to take responsibility for promoting these harmful infant products when safer alternatives are available. Furthermore, they must be transparent about the materials they use and the potential risks associated with them so parents and caregivers can make informed decisions.

I am inspired and motivated in my endeavors to make this planet safer and healthier for our children and future generations. Instead of placing these products out on the market and using our infants as test subjects, corporations should first be required to prove their products are safe for our children.

If you are concerned that your infant has been ingesting microplastics and want to hold these corporations accountable, please reach out to me, Wendy Kerner aka Mama Earth Law, at 719-839-0657 or at

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