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What You Can Expect: At 1-800-LAW-FIRM, you can count on affordable pricing with zero hidden fees and 100% transparency into our legal process. Your experienced legal professional will provide you with an honest evaluation of your issue which will enable you to make educated decisions regarding the options available to you.

Drug-Related Charges

A drug related offense is considered a criminal act that involves an illegal controlled substance or narcotic. If you have been accused or suspected of committing a drug crime, you must contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.

Drug related cases have the potential to be highly complex and to present numerous severe penalties if the defendant is convicted. Additionally, a court will also consider whether the drug offense was combined with another offense. Many drug offenses are related to other crimes such as conspiracy, theft, or assault, so if the drug offense is related to another felony, especially a violent crime, the penalties will be more severe.

Common drug related offenses can be:

  • Drug possession
  • Possession with intent to sell, manufacture, or distribute
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Cultivation
  • Manufacturing
  • Trafficking and distribution
  • Transportation
  • Driving under the influence of drugs

Also keep in mind that it is also considered a drug crime to use a prescription or over-the-counter drug for an illegal purpose. A drug crime conviction will result in serious legal ramifications, including long-term jail and prison sentences, probation, large fines, mandatory drug treatment, community service, driver’s license suspension, and a mark on your permanent record.  A drug crime conviction can seriously damage your reputation and destroy your relationship with your family and friends.

Occasionally law enforcement will offer a person that is being investigated or charged with a drug offense the opportunity to “cooperate” in exchange for a deal. Proceed with caution here. Only the prosecutor can agree to add or remove charges. Make sure you are dealing with the person who actually has the authority to make such an offer. Also, if the people you are being asked to “rat on” are dangerous, you may wish to not make such a deal and just fight the charges.

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