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Gadolinium MRI Contrast agents have recently been linked to significant side effects in patients, including Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis and Gadolinium Deposition Disease.

What is Gadolinium?   

Gadolinium is a rare natural occurring metal.  Due to it’s magnetic properties, it is used in contrast solutions for MRIs. The contrast agent helps provide clearer images of internal organs which in turn, allows for a better diagnosis on what is occurring in a patient’s body. 

Gadolinium is administered through an intravenous injection, and can stay in the body for months or years after injection. High concentrations can be found in bone, the brain, kidney, liver and skin. 

Although Gadolinium is one of the most commonly used contrast agents, patients have been experiencing serious side effects after receiving the chemical.

Side Effects

Gadolinium contrast agents have been known to cause Gadolinium Deposition Disease and Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis. 

Gadolinium Deposition Disease occurs when patients with normal to near normal renal function develop persistent complications  immediately or up to two months after receiving a gadolinium contrast agent. Symptoms include: 

  • Intense burning of the skin
  • Intenst pain in bones and/or joints
  • Headaches 
  • Tingling of the skin
  • Muscle Vibrations
  • Skin thickening, discoloration & pain

Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis occurs in people with advanced kidney failure. Gadolinium contrast agents have been identified as a trigger for this rare disease. It can begin within days to months after receiving Gadolinium. Symptoms include: 

  • Thickening and hardening of the skin
  • Excess pigmentation of the skin
  • Burning, itching or server pain in areas of involvement
  • Swelling of the skin
  • Muscle weakness
  • Bone Pain
  • Reduced internal organ function
  • Blood Clots

The FDA’s Response

As of December 2017, the FDA now requires a new warning for all gadolinium based contrast agents stating that gadolinium can stay within the body for months to years after receiving it. The FDA also now requires a Medication Guide to be provided to patients to provide information on Gadolinium that they must read before they receive the drug. 

What are my legal rights?

If you or someone you love suffered from Gadolinium Deposition Disease or Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis after receiving an MRI, call the experienced team at 1-800-LAW-FIRM now or fill out the form on this page. You may be entitled to significant compensation. 

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