Tepezza (teprotumumab-trbw) is an FDA-approved treatment for Thyroid Eye Disease (TED), also called Graves’ orbitopathy. TED is a serious autoimmune condition that causes eye pain, redness, swollen eyelids and double vision. Tepezza treats the cause of TED, reducing symptoms and lessens the appearance of bulging eyes.
Tepezza side effects include hearing loss, tinnitus, muscle spasms and hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). The active ingredient in Tepezza, teprotumumab, has been associated with minimal side effects in clinical trials. It can also cause infusion-related reactions such as headaches, trouble breathing or feeling hot.
The manufacturer indicates other common Tepezza side effects such as muscle cramps or spasms, nausea, hair loss, diarrhea, fatigue, high blood sugar, taste changes, dry skin and menstrual changes.
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